Solutions for Leaders

Trusted data results delivered 10x faster

runQL is like git and copilot but built for data teams.
We boost data team productivity by 25% or more.

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The business needs fast, trusted insights for decisions but data teams are slowed down by antiquated tools and processes

They're backlogged

Your data team is backlogged with time sensitive requests for data from everyone in the business.

They're frustrated

Each data team member spends 2+ hours every day on query management and switching between current antiquated tools.

You feel stuck

Data is growing in your organization and the business wants even faster responses to data requests...


We help data teams deliver trusted data results faster than other solutions by leveraging existing team queries and AI


10x faster time-to-result for data requests. Data teams can:

  • Find and write queries 10x faster.
  • Easily leverage existing team knowledge.
  • Achieve repeatability in request answers.

Gain 25%+ in productivity for the data team. Data teams get:

  • One tool instead of 3 or more.
  • AI automatic documentation.
  • To version, share, and document in 1 click.

Get ~$36K in regained productivity per data team member. You get:

  • Faster time-to-result.
  • Repeatability and knowledge retention.
  • Faster new employee productivity.

You need your data team to provide fast, trusted insights

Data and Tech Leaders

You need to align the data team's efforts with the business objectives. To meet those objectives you need to ensure efficiency for the data team so they can deliver fast, trusted data insights. We help you ensure:

Fast time-to-result for business data requests.
Repeatability in trusted queries for accurate results.
Effortless knowledge sharing and retention.
Increased productivity. Get more done with less.

Business Leaders

You need to enable your organization to get fast, trusted data for decisions. Other parts of your business have efficiency gains from tooling, now apply tool and process maturity to the data team. runQL helps you get:

Fast time-to-result for business data requests.
Consistent and accurate results across the organization.
Increased productivity across the organization.

Security Leaders

Know who accessed what and when across all your data sources including downloads. Your organization, like others, may have multiple query tools, making it almost impossible to know who has accessed data especially if you have some internal databases with generic credentials. With runQL you can:

Track all data access and queries run.
Track all query changes and history.
Full user history even for a db with generic credentials.
Control data access from one location.

ROI & Productivity Gain Calculator

Yearly Productivity Gain


Monthly Productivity Gain
FTE Savings
Ready to supercharge your organization?
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Trusted by data leaders
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"PowerBI is where you notice the problem, runQL is where you go to find the correct answer."

Kevin F.
Manager, Business Intelligence

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